The Effect of Antenatal Preparation Sessions on Sudanese Mothers Anxiety and Labor Pain
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Published: 20 May 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Antenatal preparations enable women to cope with pregnancy anxiety and promote a healthy pregnancy, safe labor, and it can be very helpful in reducing anxiety and pain associated with labor and delivery. this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of antenatal preparation sessions on mothers’ anxiety and labor pain during labor process.
Methods: Experimental randomized controlled trial study was conducted among low risk Sudanese pregnant mothers in Omdurman Maternity Hospital from February 2017 to January 2019. Mothers were selected by random sample technique, their number was 286 pregnant women (140 in experimental group and 146 in control group). Experimental group members attended in antenatal preparation sessions and the control group only received routine antenatal care. Data were collected by means of demographic checklist, standard Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), intensity of labor pain based on verbal descriptive scale (VDS), a checklist, related to childbirth process, and likert scale for assessing mother’s satisfactions. The data were analyzed by SPSS using T-test and chi-square test.
Results: this study showed that there were significant differences between experimental and control groups, in relation to anxiety level, it was (7.67±2.415 vs.11.99±4. 089) respectively (P = 0.000), Pain intensity during first stage of labor was (3.17 ± 0.611 vs.3. 56 ± 0.855) respectively (p= 0.000), while the pain intensity during second stage of labor was (4.06 ± 0.504 vs.4.49± 0.632) respectively (p= 0.000). Regarding childbirth process there was a significantly lower rate occurrence in the experimental group compared to control in need for induction of labor (2.9%) vs., (19.2) respectively, usage of pain reliever drugs (10.7%) vs. (22.6) respectively and conducting cesarean delivery (10.7%) vs., (19.2) respectively (p. value > 0.05 ). The mean score of satisfaction level regarding labor and delivery experience was (3.94±2. 0.560 vs. 3.55 ± 0.622) respectively (p=0.000).
Conclusion: The study concluded that application of antenatal preparation sessions was effective in decreasing anxiety level, pain intensity and some obstetric interventions during labor and delivery process, also the preparation sessions were increased mothers satisfaction level regarding their labor and delivery experience. Study recommended that designing and applying antenatal preparation sessions as an essential component of standard antenatal care.
Key wards: antenatal preparation –anxiety- labor pain – obstetric interventions- satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Amal Mohammed Hamid, Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Fadalla. (2019-05-20). "The Effect of Antenatal Preparation Sessions on Sudanese Mothers Anxiety and Labor Pain." *Volume 2*, 1, 39-50